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Category Archives: Social Media

Using Buffer To Save Time With Social Media
Posted: Nov 11 2012
Using Buffer To Save Time With Social Media Have you ever wondered how the bigger bloggers seem to get more done in the same 24 hours that we all have? I have noticed that too and I always wondered what their secret was, besides having a virtual assistant (which I don’t). One secret that I have discovered is using Buffer to save time with social media. I already talked about putting things in my pocket, so More to read…

Put It In My Pocket
Posted: Nov 10 2012
Put It In My Pocket How the Pocket App saves me time. I have the Pocket App extension for Chrome installed on my toolbar. When someone posts an interesting article on Twitter and I don’t have time to read, I simply put it in my Pocket for later. When I am on Facebook and friends are sharing awesome links, I can slip it into my Pocket for later when I have a few minutes to read. More to read…

Hashtags On Twitter
Posted: Oct 18 2012
What #hashtags Do You Use? During my Blog Write Party on Monday there was discussion about what #hashtags we were using in our tweets. I spent some time searching through my twitter feed to see what #hashtags my followers were using. I choose the #hashtags that were most relevant to my interests (homeschool, special needs, social media, and blogging) and thought I would share them with you. #2to1conf #allume #alphabet #autism #BEECHrt #blogchat #bloggers #bloggybootcamp More to read…

Checking Progress and Setting Goals
Posted: Jul 26 2012
How can you check your stats and analyze your site? Basic ways to measure stats: Google Analytics PR Checker Bing Webmaster Tools Hubspot Marketing Grader Stat Counter sitemeter Get Clicky WordPress Plugins: Google Analyticator Analytics 360 WP Stats Dashboard WassUp FeedStats Stat Counter Plugin W3 Counter Plugin Get Clicky Plugin General Stats Plugin Track That Stat Jetpack Other ways to measure progress: Klout Alexa Technorati Tweet Stats My Web Career Crowd Booster Compete against yourself More to read…
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